Saturday, October 14, 2006

Prison imam fired

In my previous post I discussed some of the merrits of Abu Bashar, one of the traveling imams and prison-imam in Nyborg State Prison. Well, it seems the authorities has finally have had enough of him. He has now been sacked from Nyborg State Prison, officially due to cutbacks, unofficially because he radicalized young muslim inmates.

From the Danish paper 24timer (link in Danish PDF. My translation):

The controversial prison imam Abu Bashar has been fired. Officially the explanation is that the prisons need to save millions, and that the choise have been made to lay off the imam by january 31. next year.
But high ranking sources in Nyborg Prison has told 24timer that the cutback's has been a more than wellcome excuse to get rid of the imam. According to the sources he has been "spred propaganda against the West" and "encouraged Jihad" on the friday sermons in the prison where one out of three inmate is a muslim.

"He is not a civil servant can therefore be laid off faster. Because of the latest cutbacks we have thus decided to close the job as we are not legally obligated to have an iman employed," says warden Arne Thornvig Christensen.(...)

Abu Bashar is of course calling his dismissal "political" (what did he expect?) and swears he's just doing his job de-radicalizing muslim inmates.

Right, that makes sense...

"I convert radical muslims into positiv muslims. There can not be a muslim who doesn't like me," says the fired imam Abu Bashar, who has been working for four years at Nyborg State Prison. (Photo: Carsten Andreasen. Caption: 24timer)

Nyborg State Prison is holding some of Denmark's most dangerous and professional criminals, including several Hells Angels hitmen. And a third of the inmates are muslims? Not bad for a country with an overall muslim minority of about five percent.

I mean, you're not sent to Nyborg just for running a red light.

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